Wednesday, January 6, 2016

An Opinion On Life After Death or The Afterlife

I wonder if you’ve wondered
About the afterlife
Does it exist?
Is it a paradise filled with wonders?
Or a personal hell, crafted as per your wish?
Is it different for those who’ve been buried?
And those we’ve cremated?
Or is the afterlife an incomplete death?
Like stillborn babies who didn’t take their first breath
I know demons are real                                                
For they haunt me and my friends
What if the afterlife is filled with demons?
And wicked things that know not rest?
What if the afterlife kills your demons?
And leaves you with blank pages
On which you write to your loved ones
Both living and dead
Is the afterlife an aftermath?
Of a life that your body has abandoned, but your soul wishes to have
Or maybe it’s a figment of my imagination
Brought on by too much wine?
Still, who am I hurting with my private thinking
Of what it may be like
However I doubt I’d see eye to eye
With an afterlife when I die

The Bilge Master

1 comment:

  1. you are right. there is no afterlife. life is everything. demons part of it. with the dead brain cells the memomies are lost. without memory we are not what we are.

    -- adit
