Tuesday, October 25, 2016

White Walled Paradise

In the old house on the hill
Lives a family of three
Surrounded by white walls
They live in joyous ecstasy
Outside the world spins on its axis
And little children spin
On multicoloured merry-go-rounds
But this life is not for the people
Surrounded by white walls
They seek asylum
In the featureless walls surrounding them
Not for them is the world outside
They’re lost in worlds of their own making
Where there is no pain
And no one laughs at them
For being different
Their worlds are free from sadness
And they derive happiness from them
I too have a white walled room in my head
Where I wait, while around me
The world spins madly on

The Bilge Master

1 comment:

  1. This is one of your best so far. Your writing has developed. Kudos, Mitra!
