Friday, June 1, 2012

Wherever I may Roam


I make sure my sneakers are laced up and hitch my slacks up slightly. And then I slip out the gate when everyone is fast asleep and am off!

Pardon me, you must have thought I am running away or something! The above is an apt description of what happens in the wee seconds before I head out for a walk. Walking happens to be the only outdoor activity I indulge in. I used to play in the parks nearby but that got tiring after awhile, plus I had a reputation of biting off more than I could chew. (Read breaking all world records for misplacing bats and balls and what not).

I simply adore walking. The wind in my hair and all the noise of the city seeping in. The wacko drivers who I need to look out for, the weird looking cop who throws me a dirty look because I happen to be jaywalking. But most of all it’s the slow and steady rush of sweat down one side of the body and the steady buildup of adrenaline on the other end. Y’know the feeling.


There’s the unpredictability as well! You don’t really know what to expect when you get going for your walk now do you? You might walk in broad daylight with the sun shining down on you. Then again the sun might suddenly get encased in  a penumbra of gray clouds and a steady torrent of rain might fall, drenching you. You might meet a nice old man out for a stroll, or randomly stumble across an old friend by the next traffic signal.

I like to walk till my legs feel they’re gonna collapse. Then when my heart is hammering in my chest and I’m all out of breath, I turn around and find a new path…one that leads me back home. That’s how I always end my walks. Irrespective of the route I took to get from point A to B, the route back to A will be brand new. A new way to get back to square one, so I can start all over again the next day! Call it a small idiosyncrasy people.


The Bilge Master

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