Monday, April 30, 2018

A Monologue

This is a monologue.

 I woke up this morning feeling like I was buried under ten thousand pounds of earth. I opened my eyes, and sat up in bed. My chest hurt, my eyes were moist and my heart was beating nineteen to the dozen. The bastard was back. He's still there after all this time has passed.

I could not face work, so I stayed at home. I thought I'd bury myself in a book and that would help make it go away. I sought refuge in Thomas Hardy. It worked for a bit but it wasn't enough.  So I tried to sleep and in my dreams there came the phantasms- people coming to kill me, armed to the teeth; a tall, fat man shouting his head off at me, visions of me destroying things I loved and I woke up some time ago, shaking.

I need release. That is why I am writing this, hoping it helps to get the thing out of me. It's worked in the past and it should work again. I am trying to stay positive, telling myself that this too shall pass and in time it will. Thankfully I have a holiday tomorrow so I can rest up and get back on my feet.

Here's hoping!

The Bilge Master

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Tell me what it's like
To dream in black and white
When the world is without colour
And diffraction doesn't happen to light
Tell me of a world where gray is absent
And everything happens with
The preciseness of calculus
Tell me of your monochrome lives
Trapped as they are in a cycle
That swings between two poles
And two poles only
Now tell me of a world
Of red, blue and green
With a little gray and a touch of orange
Where each person is unique
And colour of skin or preference in  love
Does not matter
Help me make that world
Help me free you
From your homogeneous lives
For living in colour is so much more expressive
Than a world of black and white

The Bilge Master

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Songbird

There is a prison for lost ones
Heinous their crime
Where all are put to death
One at a time
I entered this prison
On the 4th of July at nine
My body shall leave it
Sooner than I had in mind
Outside stands a tree
In the tree lives a bird
And at five o clock it sings
A melancholy little tune
I cannot see the bird
Merely hear its mournful tune
For it knows that murder occurs
Within these four walls
And appropriate is its melody
That it sings to us all
And at five o clock
They take me to the gallows pole
But at least I can hear the bird
Before all that's left of me is my soul

The Bilge Master

Monday, April 9, 2018


You may think I am placid as a lake in summer
But should dare to dive in
You will be greeted by hurricanes of kaleidoscopic patterns
And tornadoes of thought
For beneath this mask beats a wild heart
That can never be tamed
If you are a boat, I am the tempest that rocks you to and fro
Get to know me and you will come to realize
Why storms are named after people

The Bilge Master

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Dream Merchant


There was once a town
By a shaded wood
Where people didn't know
How to dream
They lived lives like clockwork toys
Rising and toiling with the sunrise
They had their meals at a fixed time
And made love to their wives
Once a month
In this town there were no artists
Nor writers or preachers
For the word of God was unknown here


There was once a merchant
Who lived in Baghdad
He sold one type of ware
His cargo was dreams
He had dreams about every subject
Dreams that were happy, sad and fulfilled or abandoned
He kept them in little glass bottles
And sold them for coin
The merchant would come into the market
With his sack full of dreams
Dainty as a clown, he would pluck one out
And hand it to the lost


The merchant travelled far and wide
Seeking to imprison dreams
Which he would then sell
For a price of course
His travels brought him to our little town
By the edge of the wood
Where nobody had seen a dream
And the people did not believe


The merchant put up at the inn
And noticed the idiosyncrasies
Of the people in the town
When asked what he sold
He replied "Dreams"
"What is a dream?" they asked
Regarding him with awe
And so he told them of his wares
Long into the night


The merchant woke early
And set up his wares
People flocked to his stall
Seeking a dream to wrap themselves in
Before long his wares were all sold
And a handsome sum he had made
He then packed up and prepared to leave
Promising to come again
But he never returned
To the town he had taught to dream


The dreams they bought gave them hope
But soon they began to despair
For the merchant was a wicked man
And had sold them nightmares
And so it came to be
That the inhabitants went mad with grief
And their dreams lay shattered on the hearth
In pieces at their feet


So should you meet this merchant, friend
Beware of what he sells
For his dreams are not happy or healthy
And he is clever and crafty
Dare to dream on your own
Dream of a better tomorrow
A world without anger and pain
And lots and lots of rain
Dream of love, dream of peace
Dream of discoveries and happy things
Do not let dream turn to nightmare
For then the dream merchant has fooled you
And you are naught but his tool

The Bilge Master