Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Things that go bump in the night
Are guaranteed to give you a fright
Look out your window
Something spooky is happening tonight
For the witches have started circling overhead
And the werewolves howl at the full moon
Beware your lover's kiss
A vampire might have got to him first
For tonight is All Hallows Eve
And Samhain has taken to the streets

The Bilge Master

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Goddess Had Come Home

A small lamp burns in a smoky room
She stares out the window at the rain falling
Remembering how on this day the town would light up
And an idol would appear
That devotees stood in a queue to see
She remembered the sweets she made for her children
And how they would devour them
The festival lasted for four days
But to her it went on forever
She was never far from the goddess
And the goddess had come home

The Bilge Master