Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pens and Swords

White. Empty and untouched. That's what this page looks like,
Till my keystrokes register and a stain begins to spread,
Minute characters appear where just seconds before there was nothing,
Permutations and combinations occur, mathematics of words
A skeleton is dug up, it is given flesh
It's blood vessels are pumped up again,
It is told to jump into a pair of baggy jeans, don a jacket,
And it will do what I want it to,
I can send it to China, I can send it to Rome,
I can captivate you Reader in my yet to be published tome,
I find this funny, for all this manipulation
​Takes place in the comfort of my home,
I am not a writer, I am merely a boy,
With a passable vocabulary, doing something that brings him joy
And so I ask of anyone who might stop by to read this,
Tell me how it is that Writers manage to make us cry?
I guess that is why my mother once said to me,
"Son, the Pen is mightier than the Sword"

The Bilge Master

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Have We Met?

I think I can describe the current part of my life as a transitional phase- one in which I realize that I actually CAN do stuff and then go on to do said stuff. Somehow, at first, such a transition seems scary. In time, however difficult the said transition is, it completes and leaves me feeling better. Sort of like a snake when it's shed it's skin.

I'm pretty sure that this is  a common phenomenon in the life of every young adult. The bit where your parents leave you alone to a large extent and you start seeing the world a wee bit more differently. When you've realized that everyone is NOT trying to killl you and there's really no need to go around flailing your arms about like a somewhat deranged lunatic on steroids. 

That being said, where's the fun in not being a lunatic? Studies, binges, the endless adda with your classmates and your seniors. Staying out late and having a blast even when the HOD is being a gigantic pain in your rear. Bring it on I say! 

And no matter what, you will always find that group of people or just that one person who is as bat shit crazy as you are. When you do, you might have this eiree feeling that you are looking into a mirror. The urge to ask "Have we met?" might overwhelm you.

Here's to you college \m/

The Bilge Master

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Whiteboard Song

My friend at JU, Arnab Chakraborty wrote this poem after I haggled at him for a considerable amount of time. He writes his own blog called Musings, which you can check out here.  Many thanks Arnab.

I see the Whiteboard behind you,
And words forming like images
On a canvas for failed limners of old;
Who found no means of entry
Into your heavy books
Of scholars, philosophers and thinkers bold.
The stellar cast of History’s Heroes,
They gather on your Whiteboard.

Then I wake up from the opium dreams
Of Mother Nature, my mistress
And Father God, the towel boy;
Who stood apart feeling shy,
As I played a nasty game of tennis
With the Demon Kings of the world
3-2 they said before the raindrops claimed my distant gaze
And I saw you staring, admiring that shimmering Whiteboard.

Then I noticed you were seeking
 Seeking that custard of spirit,
Seeking that pure imperfection, seeking
What does not lie on that great Whiteboard.

Then I feel old.
Growing older still with each silence
That does not escape your lips.
And your words erudite and strong
Growing younger with each boom.
While I grow older still, because wisdom
Comes with great loathing at men
And yet the greatest forgiveness
For all men are you as you are them;
Thus promoting a state of paradox,
Not unlike the ones you ignore
Forming between the names on that great Whiteboard.

But without a moment’s despair
We become lumps of flesh, You and I
On a rock spinning through endless nothing
Seeking answers from the cold Whiteboard.
And all our glorious theories that pale
In the presence of a thunderous night,
Or in the pains that make us fight;
Pains that you are blind to
And ones to which I only lend an ear
Till the howling makes my ears bleed
And then I am hiding in a corner somewhere
Storing private sobs for what I cannot cure away.
The practical clockwork suffering continues like a mechanized drone
And you still posit those questions,
While great names stare at me
From beyond the glorious Whiteboard.

Then I am arrogant
Then I am raw
Then I am all that eludes your grasp
While the carbon that makes you and I
Smiles in the bitter irony of long forgotten names
Names that you memorise at a moment’s touch
And names that are ornaments on famous gravestones
While the nameless pass by
Recurrent ant-like heroes of the world
In a giant black lump they pass
Greying the corners and the Heroes of your precious Whiteboard.

But alas! Me is the fool
Me is the repeating voice of many
Me is the fool for raindrops and dreams and lies colour my body
While you are the giant building of books
Me is the fool for trying to hold
What my fat fingers can never touch
Me the fool for chiding those more solid
Those more real in the thought-room of archives
You stand atop the mountain of all that has been
While hollow men like me survive on the morsels you leave behind

You, the Giant with raised voices in the crowd,
And I a fool on your Whiteboard.