Sunday, October 11, 2020

Happy Birthday, Suranjana Aunty

There are some things about your childhood you cannot forget. The chocolates and biscuits you loved, the football at the local park and the first friends you made.

Back then, I used to go to school and I met a girl called Debolina there. She was a sweet thing and we used to talk a lot, as children growing up together are bound to do. Debolina was one of my earliest and therefore most cherished friends. But this post isn't about her. It's about her mother- a person I simply called Suranjana Aunty.

I don't remember too much about Aunty, which is sad. I do associate three things with her. They are Hindi, blackcurrant cream biscuits (which totally and unequivocally need to make a comeback!), and cinnamon. I don't know why I associate cinnamon with Suranjana Aunty and those familiar with my writing will now say that this is just me trying to be someone romantic. That isn't the case.

Suranjana Aunty is one of those people who always smiled and always was good to me. Today she finishes another year on the planet. I would like to take this chance to wish her many happy returns of the day and welcome her to the umpteenth first day of her life. I hope we get to meet someday though right now she is in Delhi and I am in Kolkata. But hey, if the world can be so small that someone can send books to me via a phone, then obviously one day we will reunite for sure!

Happy birthday, Suranjana Aunty. Thank you for existing. I hope you've had a wonderful day!


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