Tuesday, March 2, 2021

N-N-1 Callout Post

 Welcome everyone to another edition of N-N-1! I am Ashesh, from Kolkata, India and I will be hosting this edition of the project. 

So, N-N-1 basically stands for 1 contestant, one photo and one writeup which has to adhere to a theme which is set by the person who is hosting it. The theme for this edition is "A picture that represents inner peace to you". Please note that the word limit of your writeup which explains why your photo represents inner peace to you, should not exceed 200 words.

This is a call to arms my friends! I hope to see some interesting posts. However there is also a schedule which needs to be adhered to. The dates are given below:

2/3/21: Callout post published 

12/3/21: Reminder mail to be sent to mailing list

15/3/21: Final post on the blog

Please note that as this is not a competition, but a project, as long as the post and photo reaches me by the 14th, I shall be publishing it. However, refrain from vulgar images and vulgar words.

May the Force Be With Us All! 

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