Saturday, October 23, 2021

Thought Catalog 1

 It’s such a small world. This is not because of technology but because of communication. Yet at the same time, it is a very large world with a lot of seas and lands yet to see, places that hide monsters under them if fantasy authors are to be believed and places that hide bodies under floorboards if we believe a certain someone who is scared of ravens.

Yet there is music. There is science. There is nature and there is the Aurora Borealis. I want to see them all. A friend of mine took a bus to Paris playing Dearest Esmeralda on loop and now I want to go to Romania playing Oasis on loop, or maybe Green Day’s Good Riddance (Time of Your Life).

I do not know what the point I am trying to make here is. Maybe it is a reminder that I am young and I am taking myself too seriously. Maybe it is a reminder that it is time to stay up with myself all night and save my own life.

I’m reminded of a morning one day when I was a chid and the Sonodyne was still working and I had my first cup of authentic South Indian filter coffee (or as some people like to call it, filter kappi, and oh God I wish I had a cup of that sinful fluid by my side right now!) and we opened up a record and I said I wanted to put it on the player and switch it to play. We chose Rubber Soul and my mother played Norwegian Wood and Nowhere Man twice. When I read Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, I found the book quite good and the fact that it had the song as a major part of the narrative was what sold the book to me.

I wonder how good I’d be behind the counter at a book shop. I went to Blossoms and sold A Farewell to Arms to this literature student and all it took was one quote to get that (as my friend Abhijith Menon would say), seismic shift in her eyes. She left the shop with the book. I left it with A Moveable Feast and some other titles.

I know this is random and that’s because my mind is not very settled right now. This is a form of therapy. I want you all to know I’ve stared a journal and the reason you have not had stories on the channel for a while is because I’m planning a double whammy for next week because it is Halloween coming up!

Before I sigh and sign off, I want to say that I appreciate the support of all of you.  FLTM would not be what it is without you.


The Bilge Master