Monday, March 7, 2022

Notes From the Underground Cults

 You all thought perhaps I had disappeared into the ether never to be seen again did you not? I had indeed taken to other roads, for as Tolkien has said, 

"The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began

Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow if I can

Pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way,

Where many paths and errands meet, and whither then? 

I cannot say"

There have been some changes in the content I am creating these days. I have more or less shifted entirely to vlogging via Scrollstack. My profile is hyperlinked here and you can feel free to check it out.

And now, to arms! 

Doors and roads span out before us every day of our lives. The ones we take are the ones we follow, or sometimes not, for as Robert Plant reminds us,

"Yes there are two paths you can go by

But in the long run, there's always time 

To change the road you're on"

I'm sorry, I have not sat down at this editor and written for some time so this post is taking some time to get started. 

I was at a metal gig yesterday with a very special person, who was a Facebook acquaintance and has now become a grandmother. I never knew the love of a maternal grandmother, nor was I one of the fortunate people who meet their paternal grandfather, but Maya di has been a bridge over troubled water in the two years I have known her- scolding me, embracing me, holding me, putting the broken pieces of my psyche back together through deed and through the mad world of social media.

So, I was at a metal gig with Maya di and the people there were young. Maya di blended into the crowd, danced, jived and grooved and even screamed and growled. She's a 64 year old woman, and she is goals. When I am 64, I have only one wish...that I can be Mayalakshmi Rao. 

And now I've finally understood where this is ONWARD! 

Pain and sorrow are expressed in different ways, one of the expressions being music. Hope and strength are also expressed in the same way, through music. I remember being influenced by an image I saw on Facebook back when I was a teenager and I've found it again using the tool of excellence that is Google and I now see it is a song so I shall link it below...

Yesterday the event saw me connect with a lot of people society would call damaged, people society would be afraid of, people society would say were taking risks , that their hobbies were something that the older generations would not understand. I was reminded of this line from Dylan,

"The old road is rapidly aging,

Better get out of the new one if you cannot lend a hand

For the times, they are a changin''"

Yesterday, I was shown a side of humanity. I saw a 20 something touch the feet of a 64 year old, I saw a 64 year old be properly protected by a gang of youngsters. I networked with a lot of people, dressed in black, but with liquid fire in their eyes. Some of them even recognized me even though I did not recognize them. I was humbled. The rage I had been carrying for aeons was gone, the metal was pouring out of the sound system like a clarion call....

And when Dreadhammer (one of the acts) took the stage and started playing a medley of Black Sabbath, what could I do but yell till I was hoarse? 

Welcome to the underground cults who think a little different from you. Entertain your preconceived notions about these people. Trust me, they do not care. They are too busy having fun! 

And as I wind up this article, a line from Cohen strikes me,

"For less than a second, our lives will collide 

The endless suspended, the door opened wide"

I've gone through the door. Follow me?

The Bilge Master

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