Friday, March 3, 2023

A Collection of Poems

 Hey guys! For a long time, I've been writing poems and keeping them on my phone. I thought of sharing a few today. They're a mixed bag- horror, love, unrequited's all there. Here are five poems! 

The Bilge Master

The Things I Have Forgotten

When did I write this?

I see scratches on my arms 

And a sentence in my journal about bloody arms 

There are 27 new scars on my wrists 

How did they get there? 

Where is my mind? 

The last thing I remember is the smell of my morning cup of coffee

Which morning? Why? 

Isn't it Friday today? 

Which Friday? Friday the 13th of course!

No. It's Tuesday today

Oh God. It's Tuesday and I'm late for work

But why am I in scrubs? 

Who are you?

There's a glass in front of me 

I don't know who this man is 

Is that me?

And this liquid on my hands? It's too thick to be water


Oh God, what have I done?

Where is my mind?

Heartbreaks Are Good

The thing you don't get about hearts is 
They're your body's music system
Literally turning your body into a boombox
So when they break, sometimes singing to them 
Is what makes them heal
Think about a line like the one 
Where someone asks for your heart
And tells you it's the most real thing about you
It hurts when that trust breaks 
When you can't hear the song for a while 
But, (and I speak from experience)
Your heart changed the day it broke 
The streets you called home changed 
Your world turned topsy turvy
And then the music came back
The heart wants what it wants 
From you
So listen to the beat of your heart
Listen to the music in your body
And dance to your own tune 
For there is nobody
Who cares for you like your heart does


It's funny how before you
I was an organism 
You came crashing in 
On a sunny afternoon in June 
Walking like a one man army 
And showed me that
I could be more than an organism 
I could be me

Do I Want to Meet You Again?

It's been forever since we parted ways 
Mere children, sitting on a school bench 
While the maths teacher droned on 
We drew tattoo designs on the grid marked notebooks 
You wanted to be an artist 
I wanted to be a singer 
Entertaining the world with your art
Scribbled on the first page of a hymn book
We were just kids in love 
We never learnt from mistakes 
Just kept making them again and again
We didn't even know it was love 
To us it was just being there 
Then you went to a faraway city 
Which boasted a Sultanate 
And I stayed back in a city that had
Among other things 
A ruler called Siraj ud Daulah
Do I want to meet the adult you are now?
Do you want to meet the adult I've become?
With my potbelly, my crooked smile and awkward jokes?
Would you be willing to keep up with my fast paced Star Wars references
Even though you've not seen a single film yet?
Do I want to meet the adult you've become?
With your lipgloss smile
And your family's cheekbones? 
I wonder what we would talk about as we sip coffee?
Ex lovers? Present flames? 
Then, after the meeting
When my flight will be calling to board 
And you'll embrace me in the baggage claim
Will we remember the two kids 
Kids no more 
And smile
Because despite our fear of change 
Nothing between us feels different
We're still just two lost souls 
About whom Julia dreams each night

The Room Isn't Mine

Last night
I slept in my old room again
The curtains were closed 
The ghost in the tree outside
Was gone 
My room was hotter than I remembered it 
And the bookshelf at the foot of the bed had new and unfamiliar content 
And yet it was still my room
Does that make sense?
Is it me who changed 
The day I moved out of the room?
And although I came back and come back 
Every now and then
Has way led onto way?
I do not know 
The bed is still comfortable
The books are still there
But the room isn't mine anymore
I have trust issues 
The bedsheets don't smell like they used to
The pillow seems hard 
There's dust on the bookshelf
There lies here a broken heart 
I guess childhood's end has finally come 
And I don't need this room anymore 
Or is it that the room has grown up
And doesn't need me anymore?


  1. All, quite well composed and expressed. Seems like a lot of nostalgia and self-reflection.

    >The Things I Have Forgotten
    Quite poetic horror and scary situation. One of the great mysteries of the body is how the mind is perhaps the only entity that tries to self-sabotage its own existence. Most other organs are in an almost mechanical and rhythmic drive to keep things in order. Perhaps the mind has forgotten that its silent counterparts are relying on it for survival.

    >Heartbreaks Are Good
    Ouch. Yes, the toll that a heartbreak takes is never easy. Intimate connections take time and chance to make, but quite easy to break and even longer to get over and constant reminder and contemplation of the what ifs.

    Interesting motivation. Yes, we can remain organisms in this cycle of life or aim to give some sense of meaning to existence.

    >Do I Want to Meet You Again?
    Very touching and philosophical. Strange is the passage of time and thoughts and relations. Very nicely expressed about mindsets of the past vs. mindsets of the present. Can two people reconnect at any point in time based on the pleasant past or is there a window of golden opportunity beyond which it is now just a unrealised dream...

    > The Room Isn't Mine
    Liked this one for expressing and exposing the subtle reality that even the most familiar things in our lives one day seem totally unfamiliar and no longer needed.

    "childhood's end" - Reminds me of the book with the same title.

    1. Thank you for such a detailed comment and analysis! This is what keeps me going!
