Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Have We Met?

I think I can describe the current part of my life as a transitional phase- one in which I realize that I actually CAN do stuff and then go on to do said stuff. Somehow, at first, such a transition seems scary. In time, however difficult the said transition is, it completes and leaves me feeling better. Sort of like a snake when it's shed it's skin.

I'm pretty sure that this is  a common phenomenon in the life of every young adult. The bit where your parents leave you alone to a large extent and you start seeing the world a wee bit more differently. When you've realized that everyone is NOT trying to killl you and there's really no need to go around flailing your arms about like a somewhat deranged lunatic on steroids. 

That being said, where's the fun in not being a lunatic? Studies, binges, the endless adda with your classmates and your seniors. Staying out late and having a blast even when the HOD is being a gigantic pain in your rear. Bring it on I say! 

And no matter what, you will always find that group of people or just that one person who is as bat shit crazy as you are. When you do, you might have this eiree feeling that you are looking into a mirror. The urge to ask "Have we met?" might overwhelm you.

Here's to you college \m/

The Bilge Master

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