Saturday, March 21, 2015


In the wake of the recent documentary titled India's Daughter;  I have a few questions for the rapist who brazenly defended himself on camera. This poem is a summation of those questions.

In Memory of Jyoti Singh Pandey. You were too good for this world maam.

Tell me, how did it feel?
The blame game you played on TV,
The one where your infamy and barbaric nature got broadcast worldwide
And banned in our country
Did it feel good?

Tell me, how did it feel?
The spotlights and the exclusivity of it all
As you sat and lied and undressed the woman talking to you
With your mind?

And when you're done telling me about
Those sixty million views on YouTube
Answer me this

why should a woman stare at me with fear,
Because you attacked her?
Why should my room mate
Fear for the safety of his girlfriend
When she catches a train home?

What gave you the right to steal her right
To exist
To live and breathe

And why is it that
People lie to keep you alive
While her parents shed tears and mourn
Their only child?

The Bilge Master

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