Sunday, June 12, 2016

Of Depression and Survivial

 Imagine you wake up with this feeling that there is an elephant sitting on your chest. But, you can’t see this elephant because it is in your mind. So what do you do?

You get out of bed.

You get out of bed, grab a cup of tea, say good morning to your best friend, your cousin brother from another mother and this is the way your day starts.

It is another one of those days where you watch funny sitcoms such as Brooklyn Nine-Nine or Community or you boot up a game and play it. Sometimes you get in the mood and write, like you are right now.

See, the thing about Life is it goes on. Day turns to night, night turns to morning and in between these cycles, and you find you’re stuck in a rut for a year.

How to get out of this rut?

You wish you could go out of the house, and today you did. You cooked and you baked and somehow the elephant was gone. It’s like it was never there in the first place.

However it returns in your dreams or should I say your disturbing nightmares. Sometimes, your aggression gets the better of you and you chuck a glass at the wall and take 15 drops of liquid haloperidol to calm yourself.

But you must not forget one thing. It is your mind not some asshat’s who happens to have hacked your firewalls and infected your RAM. But as they say, if you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up.

You keep this thought alive in your mind. When you feel sick, go to sleep. Sleep in spite of the various fearful abominations that plague your dreams. Again your dream not theirs

And then one day you find that you are free from this glass cage that you were in. But it will take time, just as Arthas Menethil took time to become the Lich King in Warcraft 3 or the Battle of Falkirk took some getting used to in Age of Empires II

You hang on, kid. One day it will go. Do not forget that. Keep the thought alive

The Bilge Master

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