Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Blinking Cursor

Most of the time when I am demotivated, I turn to my family and friends for help. This is especially when it's been a bad hair day and even shampoo has given up on me as a lost cause, leaving me looking like a devastated area.

Like all writers, on occasion I suffer from writer's block, which is really, really frustrating. At such times, I open Word and stare at the blank page for a few minutes before striking  my keyboard keys to form words.

Sometimes the words come, other times they don't.

I would like to point out the one constant companion that a writer has while he types on his keyboard. The blinking cursor.

It sits there and winks at you every two seconds, telling you it's ready and waiting to imprint words. It tries it's best to ensure you don't feel alone when you're writing anything and is always ready to work with you, even when you ask it to type ten thousand words. Yet we never notice this gem of a creation. The cursor plays with us and toys with our emotions. It sits there and blinks while you are trying your best to break out of a block. It is both condescending and supporting. At times it is the Devil, at other times it is the voice of God.

Come what may, it is waiting for the next keystroke, even when none comes.

It is silently watching, waiting and winking.

The Bilge Master 

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