Saturday, August 8, 2020

Whorls of Worlds

Harry Potter opened a door 
That Tolkien held the key to
Growing up in Middle Earth was special
Growing into an adult with Harry was phenomenal
And then I discovered Dream and Despair 
Destiny and Death
And of course Door
When Shadow crossed my path
I was already a grown man
Familiar with Asimov's Foundation
And yet I found a home in speculative fiction
By the time I'd read Farenheit 451
I knew it was the temperature at which paper burns 
But seeing them not put out fires 
Was a novelty to me
I sought mystery and found baffling ones 
I returned to Tolkien, no longer 10 but not yet 50
In between I fell for Annabeth Chase and for Leo
And I've enjoyed discovering the world of Miamas as well
Fantastic beasts and kind ogres await you
On this journey that you make 
Gods will forsake you, humans will surprise you
An elven city in the woods awaits you
With nymphs to serenade you
So although you're an adult now 
Fantasy will always be a part of you

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