Saturday, October 13, 2012

18 Till I Die


OK wow! Where did the time go? I mean just yesterday, I was screaming the house down and in three odd days, I’m gonna turn 18!

Brief moment’s pause to allow it to sink in. Naah hasn’t sunk in yet!

And my mother is is still calling me her “chotto chele” (Little kid for those who dont know Bengali.) Some things never change eh people?

So I was originally gonna write this little bit of nonsense after I had turned 18, gotten stoned and thrown up multiple times in the toilet, but why wait? No time like the present eh? Case in point, what the hell am I gonna say? I mean there’s just so many things going on in my head right now!  OK, deep breath!

First off, round of applause for my parents who have been putting up with nine kinds of crazy for as long as they can remember. Refer pic below to meet these two seemingly immortal people.

my parentsme n ma....goofin with chinese

Ok so the pics are a little old. SUE ME! (PS, hope you get what I mean bout the nine kinds of crazy. Refer pic on right.)

Next up, it’s my cousins, with whom I have had a wild time, since I was about maybe 2 feet tall?

te 3 musketeers....nme n my cousins dismantling choc  cake

That cake is SO doomed!!!!!

Let’s not forget my dog, who is at this moment drooling on my slippers.

Chuni n Me

And then there’s these guys.



My first and second loves. Music and books. Am listening to a song right now!

And finally, all my friends. If I start naming them, this post is gonna resemble one of those never ending epics that humans seem to have written when they had nothing better to do than get bored out of their skulls.

So, this is me as of now, no strings attached.

light n dark


Yes the spex are a little old. I’m kind of feeling a bit lazy right now. Once again, you are welcome to sue me!

I guess I should get a little serious now so I am gonna be leaving you with a poem from “The Lord of the Rings”

The Road goes ever on and on
down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
and I must follow, if I can,
pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way
where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say......


The Bilge Master


  1. Whos is the Bilge Master? Chuni drooling, seriously I wish if he was drooling around now.
