Friday, November 29, 2019

Two Poems from a While Ago-A Guest Post by Laura Cook

Laura Cook returns to From Life to Me with two poems she wrote a while ago. That was the subject line of the email she sent me and I felt it would work very well as the title to this post.

Welcome back, Laura!

The Bilge Master

- after Sára J. Molčan’s “Post Coital”

When my mother smoked cigarettes,
she exhaled in flowers: dainty periwinkle, 
sprigs of foxglove, a wall of top-heavy tulips.
The blooms scrambled upwards from her lips,
reaching for the light above the kitchen table
as if it were a sun instead of a fluorescent flicker.
As an infant, I would enfold the petals in my 
chubby palms, not questioning this miracle
of horticulture. But when I was older I noticed
how she would always smoke after my father had 
stormed off into the night, leaving the house
as shocked and silent as the air after a slap.
A trellis of roses climbed in front of her face, 
a screen. It was her way of not seeing.
She did the same when he raised his fists
to me, and on the day I finally raised mine
back to him. I don’t know if my father saw the flowers;
I don’t know if he was even capable of knowing beauty
when he encountered it. All I know is that
when I think of spring, I feel a burning in my lungs and
a cough in my throat, and a familiar anger rises in my chest. 
Every year I leave a pack of Salems on her headstone, 
hoping that I will return to find a bouquet. 

- after Hobson Pittman’s “Reflections”

My mother used to call us to the porch 
to watch the summer thunderstorms. 
We’d sit just out of reach of the driving rain, 
close enough to catch drops in our palms
and shriek in glee at the crashes of thunder. 
Once, lightning struck the red maple out front 
with a flash so blinding I saw it in my dreams 
for weeks. When the angry gray clouds moved out 
towards the mountains, they left us a world
so bright and clear it hurt to look at. We splashed 
through the grass, danced our feet verdant green. 
My mother would pick up the fallen branches and 
weave herself a crown. Wildness burned in her eyes 
after a storm, a feral thrill that took hours to fade.

When I returned from the funeral, a storm louder than 
any I could remember descended upon the old house.
The floorboards shook. A vase of ancient silk flowers
tipped from a shelf, crash muffled by the rain’s dull roar.
The beat of my heart pounded in my ears, 
a primeval song without words, a battle drum.
For a moment I thought I saw my mother 
through the rain, long-legged and twirling.
I knew without looking that her feet were as green
as moss, that on her brow rested a circlet of branches.
Look, girls, she called. Come and see the storm!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Song Interpretation: Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance

My Chemical Romance is a band that is known for some sublime music. Take Welcome to the Black Parade as an example. They have soany good songs-Helena, I'm Not Okay (I Promise), Disenchanted, Teenagers...the list goes on. But for me personally Famous Last Words is a song that doesn't get the credit it deserves.

Famous Last Words is one of the tracks off the album The Black Parade which is by far one of the best albums MCR has produced. It is a song that told me a story when I heard it. Let me convey that story to you tonight. 

I think the song is about an old man or a man who is world weary. He is however wise and quite intelligent. He just doesn't know what to do with his wisdom. Should he utilize it to make the lives of others better? Should he be selfish and guard it like a secret? 

The song's chorus is 
"I am not afraid to keep on living 
I am not afraid to walk this world alone"

He doesn't really fear being alone as is clear from the first two lines. But then this happens 

"Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home"

Here is where the beauty of the song struck me. He gets a chance at salvation. A normal life with a meaningful someone-perhaps a family. What does he choose? Does he accept the offer or does he scorn it and go on living the way he has? Is it possible that he knows no other way to live and is therefore scared of human attachment?

I keep finding myself asking one question- is this man sane? I feel he is. I think his wisdom keeps him sane. I don't think the man is young. I think he has fought quite a few battles (metaphorical or literal) to be exactly where he is when the song starts. I don't think he wants to go back. 

So where is he? Is he in yet another hotel room, looking into a mirror at a face that he no longer recognizes? Is he running from his demons? Has he accepted his flaws? Is he ready to move ahead?

Unfortunately, I do not know the answers to these questions. I leave them open to interpretation because I would like to know what you guys make of the song. 

At the end of the song I found myself wondering about the choices people make in life. As Robert Frost said in his poem, he was faced with the choice of taking one road of two that diverged in front of him in a yellow wood. While this choice defined the rest of his life.

The message is the same in Famous Last Words. A man makes a choice. He lived with that choice. For him that choice defined his entire life. He looks back on it as Mr. Way and sings us a song about it.

The Bilge Master

Friday, November 22, 2019


Wake up, log on
Stay online all day
All your moments uploaded 
Either manually or automatically
As hashtags take over common sentences 
While grammar whirls in it's grave 
Each day a new photo or video to share 
Each day a status or link to upload 
Say goodbye to meeting friends
Because Watch Parties are the new BFF
So add a new post on Instagram
Update it on Twitter 
Share on Facebook
Send edited photos on Snapchat
And repeat after me 
I. Am. Free

The Bilge Master

Monday, November 18, 2019

Breaking Away

You woke up today
And the bed was cold 
Because I was gone 
You were brushing your teeth when you saw the note 
That said I won't be back
I wonder if you're missing me now 
I wonder if you still have that bottle of Chanel No 5
Before I used to come up gasping for air 
Because of your razor blade caress of love 
Now I find I am at peace 
Which has come without you in my life 
I suppose I have no choice but to be okay with that
Because you have lived and I haven't 
I have dreams 
I want to see the world I am a part of 
I want to be free 
I want to run, stop hiding behind a fake face 
Just as a coocoon evolves into a butterfly 
I want to evolve too
Come out of my shell 
And just live happily
I just wish you'd understood me when you had the chance 
Maybe then I wouldn't be living away from you
But you made your choice and now we must both live with it 
Each dealing with it in our own style 
I wish you well and will always be your son
One day forgive me for what I've done 

The Bilge Master

Sunday, November 17, 2019


How does it feel to live a life that's distorted?
It's like everything is just smoke and mirrors
It can make you a tad nihilistic
Or is that just because of the chemicals?
Never mind the system of delivery
Liquid or vapor 
You feel like a prostitute
Each day someone new to please 
You forget that at 25 
The only person you need to please 
Is you
And so you reason with yourself 
And try to find a way out of this mess 
You miss your lover's caress 
The warmth of their mouth on yours
You miss home and all the smells you associated with it
A new hallucination gives you indigestion
As you let yet another nightmare come to life 
But this is not who you are 
Find yourself and fight 
For a nightmare is nothing but a bad dream
And sooner or later you wake up
Even from the harshest of dreams 

The Bilge Master

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Wind

The wind that blows outside my window
Swirls round and round
Taking the leaves for a ride
And making trees bend under it's might
When it's late at night
And all the lights are out 
The wind howls 
Like a banshee outside 
Making my windowpanes rattle
Making me want to cover myself with a quilt 
To take away my fear
The wind is cunning
It knows how to frighten people
More potently than Frankenstein's monster 
The wind is blowing steadily and surely
But it is not a sailor's friend 
It is a tempest
Mighty and to be reckoned with
The wind is coming for you next

The Bilge Master

Friday, November 15, 2019

Infinity Part 2

All my life I spent a slave to time
When all I wanted was to run
Run like the wind
Wake up at sunrise 
Wash your face 
Don't bother changing out of the clothes you wore 
Since yesterday
Tie up those mouldy sneakers 
Your ex got for you before she left
Lock the door with it's faded paint 
Throw away the rusty old key too
And run with me into infinity
Wouldn't it be lovely?

The Bilge Master


All my life I have been measuring things 
Sometimes time, sometimes distance
Other times I measured speed
And tried to maintain diaries 
That measured my thoughts
Until one day my measuring tape tore 
And I was free from being shackled 
I discovered a different me 
A me that wanted to run
Like a wild stallion 
So I dusted my shoes 
And laced them up
Despite lying unused for years 
They still fit me 
Hesitatingly I took a few steps 
Then a few more 
And suddenly my fear was gone 
Nowadays I don't measure anymore 
I run
Join me 
Run with me into infinity
Wouldn't it be lovely?

The Bilge Master

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What If

Open the book
Turn a few pages 
Look through the eyes of someone else
Be a part of their world, their life
Isn't that why we read?
Microcosms and macrocosms
Coming to life through pages 
Stained with ink
But what if one day
This all ended?
What if one day
The sky fell on our heads 
Like in the Asterix comics
What if one day, literacy died 
And took with it all the literature it could find?
What would we do on the day
Every writer became devoid of ideas
And what if that day were tomorrow?
Where would we go?
Who would give us food for thought?
Where would the fairy tales be
That our mothers used to send us to sleep?
What if one day
There were no more novels 
Or bestsellers 
What if one day
All the bookstores burnt down?
The Bible says Armageddon happens when the Four ride 
I say it'll happen the day books die

The Bilge Master 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Comfort of Being Sad

Legendary rock band Nirvana has a lyric which goes "I miss the comfort of being sad". Think about this for a minute. 

Humans love comfort zones and creature comforts a lot. It's because we like them that we don't dare to step out of our designated areas and try something new. On one hand we think our life is going well- well paying job, beautiful wife, two kids etcetera. However is the job really about the money? Is the wife's beauty really all that great? After all, these things are superficial aren't they? 

One of my friends who works in a law firm and shall remain anonymous once told me he was on medication for stress and anxiety directly caused by his work. He earns well. Another friend stayed on in a toxic relationship for a long time, even when it turned abusive. 

Mental illness is also a comfort zone and hence the Nirvana lyrics at the start of the post. We feel secure in our shroud of affliction. This is especially true for depression. Just as I typed depression my keyboard prompted a crying emoji. Yes we want to cry and somehow wrest ourselves out of depression but somehow it smothers us. This is what is so dangerous about mental illnes. Add to that the stigma that society will calmly and calculatingly place on your head if they ever found out you had or have a mental illness. It's like a modern form of leprosy. So people who suffer from it often don't seek help because they feel they're "okay".

Why do you judge your neighbor because he takes Lamortrigine? Why can't you treat it like a normal disease- a stomach upset for example and let things lie? As Bob Dylan sang: "The old road's rapidly aging, please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand." This rings true on so many levels. 

Change is the only constant. John Mayer has written a beautiful song on change called Waiting on the World to Change. He's followed up with another, simply titled Changing in 2017. The lyrics to both these songs are stellar. Give them a listen.

I firmly believe that it's time for people who stigmatize mental illness to grow up. Accept. Don't segregate. We have had enough Apartheid. Be kind. Love. Don't be the reason someone takes their life.

Life is precious. Live and let live and above all else be good human beings. Help out if you know someone with an ailment be it physical or mental. Human beings are capable of so much. Is asking for some compassion too much?

The Bilge Master 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

It Rained in November

He was a boy with a guitar
She was a girl with a voice 
They met up in a bar 
When it was nearly closing time
He chose a stiff whiskey
She picked out a wine 
And outside the window
There was no sunshine 
It was a cold November night 
The rain reminded them
Of the GnR song
And they talked and they talked 
While outside it poured 
Then the boy tuned his guitar
And she cleared her throat
And they struck up Tiny Dancer 
In that bar by the coast
Then it was time to go home 
So they bid each other goodnight 
What a way to end the day
They thought 
As time slipped away
They've both grown up now
She works at a lab
He's into engineering
And this poem is something a writer promised them
Based entirely off a few Facebook conversations 
So raise your glasses to Aphrodite and Debdip
Two of the whitest people I know 
And wish them success with their journey
As they go with the flow

The Bilge Master 

The Life of a Poet

Oh! The life a poet leads
Lost inside walls of words 
Spewing from his mind 
He can write verses that dazzle 
Turn a rainy night into a sunny morning 
He can make you look through the kaleidoscope of his eyes 
At the different colors that make up his mind 
With ink as his water and paper as his food
Our poet has vowed to supply us with nourishing 
He is the proudest of parents though his children aren't human
But what appeals to one may cause another to turn away in disgust
So who is our poet to listen to?
His heart which is full of passion?
Or his brain which advises caution?

The Bilge Master

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

On Whisper of the Heart -A Studio Ghibli Movie

Have you ever wanted to do something different from others around you? Have you hidden that part of you from your peers and tried to conform? If the answer to both these questions is yes, then you should watch Whisper of the Heart.

Studio Ghibli needs no introduction among people for it is one of the biggest studios in Japan, and has brought out 22 movies till date. Whisper of the Heart is one of them. In it we follow the tale of two children- Shizuku and Seiji.

Shizuku is a talented writer, and an avid reader while Seiji wants to be a violin maker. They both study in the same school and are both equally confused about their futures. It's one thing to have a hobby and quite another to have a passion and Whisper of the Heart brings this out beautifully.

As the movie progresses, Shizuku meets Seiji's grandfather who has a statue of a cat called The Baron. She decides to write a story about the statue. Her story takes her two months to write and in the meantime Seiji goes to Italy, where he is apprentices to a violin maker. Two months later, they both meet again and realize they have some more learning to do before they can do what they seem of doing. On this very mature note, the movie concludes.

Why did this movie appeal to me? To know the answer, let me take you back to my school days. I was in tenth grade when we were asked to assemble a basic Ohm's law circuit. I short circuited the resistor by mistake and blew the lab fuse. Suddenly all the lights went out and so did the fans. Not a single electrical connection was live. It turns out that I had placed one wire in the wrong position. One wire is all it took to cripple an entire lab. Once you see that kind of power, how can you look away?

And so I decided to become an engineer and in 2017 I became one. I am currently working in an electrical firm where I handle sales. I had the support from my teachers and parents and the guts to follow my dream despite depression. It's going to be a while before I am a good engineer but the seed has started to germinate.

And so to all of you out there who are hesitant to follow your dreams and do what your heart tells you, watch Whisper of the Heart. Don't be afraid of being different. Embrace your inner self. Make that dream come true. Dare to disturb the universe.

The Bilge Master 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Library of Found Souls


We all know that death comes for us all
One day we all get a ticket
To the great gig in the sky
But what we don't know is
What happens to our souls when we die
Where do they go?
Some say Heaven, others claim Hell
And still other exclaim Purgatory
I say they become books and go to a library


Think for a moment
What if there was a library
Inside which the books were stories about souls
Souls of people who had left their bodies
Somewhere in the sands of time?


You could rent a book out
That was the soul of a family member
You never knew
Or read about other souls and walk a mile in their shoes
Oh! What perspective it would give to you


But what entity would be the librarian?
She would perhaps be someone kind but strict
"No tearing or manhandling!", she would say
While handing you the chosen book
"You are expected to return it in two weeks"
And off you'd go with another book to read


And now where is this library to be?
Is it imaginary?
Or perhaps it's disguised as a laundromat
We need books because they cry out to be read
We need libraries to forget regret
And I firmly believe
That in each book
Is a fragment of someone's soul
And reading is the conduit through which we get to know them well
The library is made of tales you hear and your absorption of them
It's open to all, 24 hours a day
It's waiting with arms open
Come inside, won't you?

The Bilge Master