Monday, February 3, 2014

Hail to the King

Back when I was a kid, I did a lot of stuff. One particular thing I used to do was play Age of Empires 2. It started with a demo, and then a real battle with my (then) neighbor and also my cousins. Then of course I got myself a PC and Dad went to America and got me the game and it's expansion "The Conquerors".

Thus, my tryst with history began. I remember reading about Genghis Khan in history class and playing the Mongol campaign in the game. I remember taking on the role of Saladin's general and participating in a simulated edition of the crusade. In class ten, I remember basing an answer to a question based on my victory in the Battle of Hastings the evening before. Another one of my favourite campaigns was Joan of Arc's.

It's really something awe inspiring, building up your town from scratch, sending out patrols to see where everyone is. Subsequently, converting your town to a city and your city to a kingdom. Setting up trade routes and fending off jealous enemies, while at the same time keeping an eye on your resources and protecting yourself from wild animals. All this being done while, just to keep you on your feet, you've kept Amon Amarth or Evanescence playing in the background.

It also hurts when the enemy takes you by surprise and levels one of your castles, forcing you to retreat and regroup and mourn the loss of your populace. It is equally satisfying to train an elite army, comprising siege weapons, elephants, ships, infantry and archers; using whom you proceed to rain divine retribution down on the said enemy. 

And the point of this little post? The game just got a new expansion for the HD version. It allows you to play as Indians and adds a few new maps, edits existing ones and introduces some new campaigns.

The drums will soon be beating, the axes and swords will be sharpened. The blacksmith's bellow will feed the furnace. A civilization will be born. An empire will rise. Another will fall. All this will happen, from the comfort of your homes.

Age of Empires 2 in short, will NEVER die.

The Bilge Master

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