Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Moving Forward

It has been a long time since I wrote anything. To be honest it is because I was sort of living in the past. I was re living moments that had passed a long time ago and as a result, I was getting nightmares and feeling like crap.

Until I had a talk with my father today and he pointed out the very simple truth that these things are behind me. They cannot hurt me ever again; unless I let them. That’s the key see? What I do to myself is what affects how my condition and my mood stay.

It’s kind of like Green Day’s song 21 Guns. The part where Billie Joe says

One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky”

I need to lay my past to rest. I need to move on. I will. From right this moment.

Okay so dad might have snapped at me in anger once. He has been my anchor for the past twenty one years.

The important things in my life are my friends. My happiness and my future.

The important things in my life are not my past, my bygones and who said what to me when.

I think it’s about time I stopped being a royal ass and started to laugh again!

The Bilge Master

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