Thursday, February 18, 2016



I’ve been a tad under the weather, writing wise these past few days and haven’t been able to post stuff much due to college pressure. Today, I decided that I wouldn’t waste this opportunity to talk about writer’s block, which is what has happened to me.

Normally, when I have writer’s block, I ask some of my blogger friends to author a guest post for me. Over the years, I’ve been given posts by Laura Cook, ArnabChakraborty, my pen pal in the US, known to you only as K and my mother. My most recent guest posts are by Kiki and Arunima.

Well, this time I thought I’d break the pattern and have a conversation with you readers myself. As you can tell, this letter is not coming along too well; thereby proving that I am well and truly blocked.

Did someone ask what it’s like to be blocked? Yes, I think it was the guy in the tuxedo near the corner of the room. Well, there is no definitive answer to the question, actually. I can say however that being blocked is annoying. Ideas don’t come into your mind like they used to and neither do you find the concentration needed to compose something. The end result, more often than not, is you ending up staring at a blank sheet of paper or in my case a blank Word document page wondering what on earth you should say. It can be a tad taxing, seeing as you feel ideas vibrating in your head, but can’t triangulate the source of the vibrations in order to build from it. It’s like a lot of things are happening at once. One idea is a story. A story about what? A story set where? Why a story and not a poem? Why a poem and not a random bunch of words that happen to rhyme?

It goes on and on and on and on...

Infuriating is a word I would associate with it. It doesn’t help that the Facebook page I have for the blog keeps reminding me that I have not posted for at least “n” number of days.

Ah well. All blocks pass soon enough. I just have to be patient and maybe share a few of my old posts.

Until we meet again, readers!
The Bilge Master

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