Sunday, February 24, 2019

What Life is About- A Bullet List

Life is a wonderful thing, once you learn the art of breathing. Let's face it, we are too wrapped up in ourselves to really sit down and think about what a gift we have been given. This is going to be a bullet list of what makes life worth it, according to me-your friendly neighbourhood blogger

1.   Life is about music and not noise. Imagine yourself sitting silently with your earphones plugged in, letting Frank Sinatra croon to you gently, as you remember the first time your father put on Send in the Clowns and told you you'd love it.
2.   Life is about seeing someone crying and reaching out to them to help
3.   Life is about meeting a complete stranger on a metro ride back from a long day at work, only to find upon breaking the ice that the stranger shares your interest in photography. It is about adding a new face to your Instagram
4.   Life is about staying up all night just to see the world become gradually bathed in sunlight
5.   Life is about meeting family members you never knew existed and bonding with them immediately
6.   Life is about going to a cafe hidden in an alley and sitting there sipping lemonade while overhead tiny bulbs come on and you see friendly faces everywhere sitting and laughing. After a while, it gets on to be evening and the cafe is bathed in the glow of the bulbs and the air is reverberating with laughter.
7.   Life is about learning something new and doing it yourself without anyone to help you.
8.   Life is about sitting in a room with new faces all around you, chanting from a book together as one and hearing the echo of the chant bounce off the four walls that confine you
9.   Life is about reading nooks, where you sit at a table with coffee stains all over it, reading a dog eared paperback for the fiftieth time
10.                     Life is about discovering your passion and staying true to it despite hurdles. Problems are milestones showing you that you are doing the thing right.
11.                     Life is about taking the car out at night and driving to your favorite ice cream place just because you want to
12.                     Life is about travelling to a new place, that you have never been to and sitting with the locals, hearing their stories
13.                     Life is about visiting your family's temple and feeling your ancestors watching over you
14.                     Life is about keeping an open mind and trying something new, something that you never thought you would do
15.                     Last but not least, life is about loving yourself and all your imperfections. Nobody's getting out of here alive so you should never apologize for who you are. Be aware of your flaws and strive to be better than you were yesterday

The Bilge Master

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