Friday, February 24, 2012

Fresh Lime Soda

Well I admit from the title it is pretty obvious what this one’s gonna be…..

I’ve been feeling a bit random lately so to go with the flow this here’s a random post bout one of my fave drinks-Fresh Lime Soda. Call it lemonade, call it lemon juice call it whatever you can’t resist it’s charm now can you? Believe me it has a lot of charm, bot to mention tang and peppiness! (dunno if that is an actual word….)

When you think of it the drink is really versatile…it goes with almost ANY fodd you have or are going to have (Being a foodie I should know…..), Add to that  the fact that its so easy to make and is easier to gulp down! You don’t have to worry bout calories and it refreshes you instantly. It is a boon for getting us frail mortal through these hot summer months. You dont call it the supreme thirst quencher for nothing now do you?


I first came across FLS when I was small, dont know when exactly. Mom made it and served all of us. She added lots of sugar, some ice and a pinch of salt. I guess what made it so yummy was the aforementioned salt. I remember guzzling it down, wiping my mouth and then asking around for more, all in the space of a few seconds. My grandmom also made it a lot and I was only TOO happy to help finish it. Speaking of grandmom, she also made this odd form of lassi which is basically whipped curd. I think she added salt to the initial mix and then followed up by the sugar. She called it ghol. Ghol was another one of my faves and I used to drink a lot of it with my cousins whenever I went over to their place. It is amazing what a mixie, some water, salt and some curd or lime can do isn’t it?

Oh and here’s the thing, summer’s coming! Obviously you know what my MO is gonna be right? Asking the kitchen for a long, tall, chilled glass of Fresh Lime Soda of course. And don’t worry, if I have made you want to savor it for yourself, head over to this link for the recipe!

Enjoy it whenever and wherever! As for me, I’m off to make some….

See you soon!

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