Sunday, July 16, 2017


He was there from the very beginning, an integral part to mankind. He was not a man, nor was he a god. He was an entity that did nothing but exist.

He was there when Rome fell and also there when World War II happened. He watched from the sidelines as mankind thrived, killed and mated.

He was beauty, he was ugliness, he was death and he was life. He was there behind every success and every failure to achieve. He gave hope, he took dashed hopes and made them whole. He was an artist and the mind was his canvas. It was because he existed that humans dared to think, to create and to make so many things happen.

He was Anansi's creation. He was there in the minds of children and adults alike. He was there in every artist seeking to create a masterpiece, he was behind the scientist trying to cure cancer, he inspired the schoolboy to become an engineer.

He was Dream and he existed in the mind of every man who dared.

Based on Neil Gaiman's graphic novel Sandman

The Bilge Master

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