Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Forgotten II

We come across a lot of people in our lives- friends, family, teachers, acquaintances- the list goes on forever. However the list is incomplete because we also come across another set of people whom we do not notice.

I'm talking about the guard at the gate of your house. I'm talking about the shopkeeper who sells you rice. The cashier at the supermarket or McDonalds.

Aren't they people too? And should we not be thankful to them for services rendered?

I live in a complex where there are tons of security guards. You literally cannot chuck a brick without hitting one. I talk to them. One of them recently had a baby boy. Another- a middle aged man in his late forties- requested me to take a photograph with him. Another has promised to take me to his village and show me a famous temple there.

I am also friends with all the shopkeepers in the area. Some treat me to a free chocolate or a cup of tea sometimes.  I play with their kids, telling them stories to keep them entertained.

I have a friend who knew a shopkeeper like the ones I've described. He would talk to her, give her free toffees from time to time and advise her on life in general . The shopkeeper has passed away, leaving my friend (understandably) heartbroken.

 You see, he was not just a shopkeeper. He was a friend.

The people around us, whom we see every day but do not acknowledge are living, breathing entities. Some are compassionate, others thoughtful and some are the ones you can turn to for advice.

So, next time when you take a selfie, try keeping the security guard or the fruit seller in the frame- hell take a selfie with him. You don't know how much it means to them when they are talked to by other people. Do it while you still have a chance, because one day they'll go and you'll never see them again.

My condolences to you my friend. I know you're hurting. Maybe this will help.

The Bilge Master


  1. Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.

  2. Real thought provoking. Thanks Ash. :)
