Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Policy

Marketing has always been a thing in my family. Starting from my grandmother to my father, I've gone to market with a lot of people. Sometimes I've gone alone as well. 

The markets here are sequestered spaces where one stall has fish, a few have vegetables and one deals exclusively in onions and eggs. Such is their variety.

When I was a young boy, my father took me with him when there was a need to go to the bazaar. Having lived almost everywhere in Salt Lake, we set out in the car to the various markets and we drove around a little to find the best places to buy stuff from. 

In my family we have always had a Policy. The Policy is that we will take wares from a merchant on trust. If the wares turn out to be substandard then the merchant is given the wares back with the understanding that he has to pay double for the cost of the rickshaw that brought us to the market, over and above the cost of the wares. Needless to say, we would never buy from that merchant ever again.

Currently, we are living in a housing complex called Sherwood Estate and I'm yet to find its Sheriff of Nottingham. Just outside the back entrance is a large and motley collection of merchants, selling various items. Some have eggs, some fish, some vegetables. There is a mutton seller. There is a fruit vendor. We buy from a select few and have been doing so for seven odd years. Very few have challenged the Policy. I suppose that is what makes the Policy so foolproof. 

I would like to hear of similar markets from you dear Reader. Are the experiences you've had similar to mine?

The Bilge Master

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