Saturday, February 15, 2020

Land of Confusion

When I was a child
I was curious
Even though it is said that
Curiousity is what killed the cat
The thought of a murdered cat
Only made me more curious
Why a cat? Why not a dog?
Was my first question
I blew up a fuse 
Because I put a wire where no wire should have been
I asked my teacher 
What will I be?
She shrugged and failed me in Hindi
I didn't say goodbye 
To curiosity
I then went to college
And during my tenure 
Learnt about the applications of electricity
I joke that I wandered the halls with a live wire 
Sticking it to people
But the truth is I was confused 
And hurting 
And in the middle of this pain
And delirium
I went on a journey
Of self discovery
Finding out that I was a survivor 
And yet again I was curious
Just how much could I survive?
Could I survive shock therapy?
Could I survive a fall from the third floor of a building?
Could I survive being seperated from my family?
Could I survive without friends?
Walking in a forest in my dreams 
I met a sage who said 
Dude, you gotta do what you gotta do
And not live with regrets
Just breathe 
In and out
One day this Rubik's cube
Will get solved 
This morning on Facebook
I saw a picture posted by a Romanian friend 
Valentine's week spent in bed reading 
With a cup of coffee for company 
One day when all is said and done 
And the Ring's been thrown into the Cracks 
And Frodo the Nine Fingered has returned from Mordor 
Remember the words of a curious man
Who never stopped 
Being curious
Even though he was terrified sometimes 
Now, here I've given you millennials 
A Tolkien reference, a social media platform
And something that happened when I was high
There is no message here and the cake is a lie 
There's nothing to take away in this land of confusion
But belief that one day clarity will come 
And defeat the shadows under your bed 
And the ones lurking in your head 

The Bilge Master

1 comment:

  1. This is genius!! The flavour enhances as it unfolds.. Loved the way it's written.
