Friday, May 15, 2020

Strangers We Know Very Well, Despite Never Having Met Them

An evening of music, proclaims the banner. It's got a picture of rock stars with big guitars and bigger names. Some names you know, others are unknown. They let you in. It's a darkened stage, with a Fender Stratocaster on it. Suddenly all the lights go out and you see a shape running at something. A few seconds later, the Voice growls "YEEEEAHHHH!!!" into a microphone. Just like that, you're on your feet, on your chair, screaming back.

It's amazing what a stranger can do to you with his or her voice or instrument. Think about it. Do you really know the lead singer of the band that's become your favorite go to when you're sad and in need of some love? No.


In a way you do. You've heard them sing. You've heard them play. And you've become friends with them, even though you have never met, and probably never will. You have memorabilia. You have signed photos and perhaps a really old, dog eared photo. Memories of times spent with total strangers, who gave you the power to hang on, the power to wake up and get out of bed.

How many times have you heard them? The same voices, the same chords? How many times have you gone over to a friend's place to hear him play your songs on his electric guitar? You don't remember do you? 

I don't either.

I just know that when that song comes on, I'm gonna dance! And the world will join me.

That's what music does to you. It unifies better than world leaders and political figures. It expresses emotions. It fills up the empty pockets in your soul. 

What would we do without these musicians in our lives? 

The Bilge Master

1 comment:

  1. "Memories of times spent with total strangers, who gave you the power to hang on, the power to wake up and get out of bed."
    Touched me in a deep place. Thank you!
