Sunday, November 17, 2019


How does it feel to live a life that's distorted?
It's like everything is just smoke and mirrors
It can make you a tad nihilistic
Or is that just because of the chemicals?
Never mind the system of delivery
Liquid or vapor 
You feel like a prostitute
Each day someone new to please 
You forget that at 25 
The only person you need to please 
Is you
And so you reason with yourself 
And try to find a way out of this mess 
You miss your lover's caress 
The warmth of their mouth on yours
You miss home and all the smells you associated with it
A new hallucination gives you indigestion
As you let yet another nightmare come to life 
But this is not who you are 
Find yourself and fight 
For a nightmare is nothing but a bad dream
And sooner or later you wake up
Even from the harshest of dreams 

The Bilge Master