Friday, November 15, 2019


All my life I have been measuring things 
Sometimes time, sometimes distance
Other times I measured speed
And tried to maintain diaries 
That measured my thoughts
Until one day my measuring tape tore 
And I was free from being shackled 
I discovered a different me 
A me that wanted to run
Like a wild stallion 
So I dusted my shoes 
And laced them up
Despite lying unused for years 
They still fit me 
Hesitatingly I took a few steps 
Then a few more 
And suddenly my fear was gone 
Nowadays I don't measure anymore 
I run
Join me 
Run with me into infinity
Wouldn't it be lovely?

The Bilge Master


  1. Beautiful. I love the imagery that this poem has. On a side note, I read that last line in the poem as Julie Andrews in "My Fair Lady". :)

    1. Thanks! By the way it's Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady

    2. I was talking about the Broadway original - which had Julie Andrews from which the film was adapted. Also Audrey Hepburn didn't sing any of the songs - it was a ghost singer called Marni Nixon. :)
