Monday, November 18, 2019

Breaking Away

You woke up today
And the bed was cold 
Because I was gone 
You were brushing your teeth when you saw the note 
That said I won't be back
I wonder if you're missing me now 
I wonder if you still have that bottle of Chanel No 5
Before I used to come up gasping for air 
Because of your razor blade caress of love 
Now I find I am at peace 
Which has come without you in my life 
I suppose I have no choice but to be okay with that
Because you have lived and I haven't 
I have dreams 
I want to see the world I am a part of 
I want to be free 
I want to run, stop hiding behind a fake face 
Just as a coocoon evolves into a butterfly 
I want to evolve too
Come out of my shell 
And just live happily
I just wish you'd understood me when you had the chance 
Maybe then I wouldn't be living away from you
But you made your choice and now we must both live with it 
Each dealing with it in our own style 
I wish you well and will always be your son
One day forgive me for what I've done 

The Bilge Master

1 comment:

  1. Love it.

    I've always meant to ask - why "The Bilge master"
